
Term 4 Revision

We have been working on two strategies to work out addition and subtraction equations. they are "Don't subtract, add" and "Tidy Numbers"

We have learnt two ways of working out addition and subtraction questions. They are "Dont Subtract, add" and "Tidy Numbers"

This is George showing how he works out multiplication and division word problems.

This is Ben's work demonstrating his understanding of how to multiply and divide numbers with 2 decimal places.


We are going to use the "Add, Don't Subtract" strategy to solve subtraction problems. I would like you to watch the video, using the tutorial cards, and bring your work to your next group conference. 


Students have been using "Educreations" to share their learning and to explain their mathematical thinking. It is a very effective tools as it demonstrates the students level of understanding and their ability to express it.  


Minecraft Mathematics


We have been looking at how we can use minecraft to engage the students in mathematics. We are doing fractions at the moment and the minecraft build that follows is an example minecraft can be used for students to solve fractions questions. In this activity the students are demonstrating their understanding of how to find a fraction of a number.
This our first attempt at using minecraft in a students mathematics learning experience.

Hi Guys. I would like you to watch this tutorial. At the end of the tutorial I would like you create your own questions and answer them. I would like you to create 5 questions. Have a go and come and show me when you have finished.

Good luck

Pentagon: finding equivalent ratios
  • Hi Guys. I would like you to watch this tutorial. At the end of the tutorial I would like you create your own questions and answer them. I would like you to create 5 questions. Have a go and come and show me when you have finished.

Good Luck


  1. This is a short video tutorial for the "Squares" math's group.

  2. Matthew (P3 Mokoia Int)24 September 2013 at 16:40

    It looks very cool and i like the maths video a lot!
