Thursday, 24 October 2013

Desert Island

My family and i moved to this island to live and now we have to find food materials. 

Uncle Dave loves to cook,and he cooks a big dinner and makes extras just in case.

My Aunty Crystal is good at knitting. She knits us everything.

My Dad Philip goes out on the row boat to another island an gets us some more supplies such as fruit.

My mum Julia helps my cousin build a raft because she is good at building things.

My other cousin is thick and collects drift wood for our fire and our huts.We gave him that job because personally i think that is all he can handle so we leave him to it.

My sister Alice is so lazy that she just sits in the hammock and reads all day.

Then there's me the youngest of all i am a better swimmer than the rest of my family so i get the fun job being the life guard


  1. Hi Kyralee, it's Kelly here. You're story is really exciting and the part about the life guard, well, you'd better keep a sharp eye out for that cousin of yours. You really described some of the characters really well, like when you said about your thick cousin collecting driftwood, but I would try to add a bit more detail on some of them.

  2. feed back nice spelling
    feed forward add more to it
